Friday, November 30, 2018

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <![CDATA[ IEEE Electrification Magazine - Popular ]]> Popular Articles Alert for this Publication# 6508996 2017 February <![CDATA[ Transactive Home Energy Management Systems: The Impact of Their Proliferation on the Electric Grid ]]> 4 4 8 14 2200 <![CDATA[ Flying Cars: Challenges and Propulsion Strategies ]]> 4 1 46 57 3755 <![CDATA[ Next-Generation Shipboard DC Power System: Introduction Smart Grid and dc Microgrid Technologies into Maritime Electrical Netowrks ]]> 4 2 45 57 4038 <![CDATA[ Using a Transactive Energy Framework: Providing Grid Services from Smart Buildings ]]> 4 4 23 29 2512 <![CDATA[ DC Microgrid Protection: Using the Coupled-Inductor Solid-State Circuit Breaker ]]> 4 2 58 64 2248 <![CDATA[ Cutting the Cord: Static and Dynamic Inductive Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles ]]> 1 1 57 64 1635 <![CDATA[ Future of Electric Railways: Advanced Electrification Systems with Static Converters for ac Railways ]]> 4 3 6 14 3871 <![CDATA[ The More Electric Aircraft: Technology and challenges. ]]> 2 4 6 12 1710 <![CDATA[ Adaptive Protection System for Microgrids: Protection practices of a functional microgrid system. ]]> 2 1 66 80 5955 <![CDATA[ Front Lines Against the Darkness: Enhancing the Resilience of the Electricity Grid Through Microgrid Facilities ]]> 4 1 18 24 1535 <![CDATA[ Evaluating Transactive Systems: Historical and Current U.S. DOE Research and Development Activities ]]> 4 4 30 36 1470 <![CDATA[ Advanced LVDC Electrical Power Architectures and Microgrids: A step toward a new generation of power distribution networks. ]]> 2 1 54 65 4973 <![CDATA[ Modeling and Dynamic Behavior of Battery Energy Storage: A Simple Model for Large-Scale Time-Domain Stability Studies ]]> 3 3 47 51 1468 <![CDATA[ The Role of Energy Storage in a Microgrid Concept: Examining the opportunities and promise of microgrids. ]]> 1 2 21 29 3117 <![CDATA[ Solar-dc Microgrid for Indian Homes: A Transforming Power Scenario ]]> 4 2 10 19 3355 <![CDATA[ Energy Is On Board: Energy Storage and Other Alternatives in Modern Light Railways ]]> 4 3 30 41 3994 <![CDATA[ Propulsion System Design of a Battery Electric Vehicle ]]> 2 2 14 24 4708 <![CDATA[ A Naval Integrated Power System with a Battery Energy Storage System: Fuel efficiency, reliability, and quality of power. ]]> 3 2 22 33 3226 <![CDATA[ Selecting the Best Electric Machines for Electrical Power-Generation Systems: High-performance solutions for aerospace More electric architectures. ]]> 2 4 13 22 2154 <![CDATA[ Smart Houses in the Smart Grid: Developing an interactive network. ]]> 2 1 81 93 3034 <![CDATA[ Energy Harvesting for the Electrification of Railway Stations: Getting a charge from the regenerative braking of trains.A ]]> 2 3 39 48 3353 <![CDATA[ Voltage-Level Selection of Future Two-Level LVdc Distribution Grids: A Compromise Between Grid Compatibiliy, Safety, and Efficiency ]]> 4 2 20 28 3274 <![CDATA[ Are Microgrids the Future of Energy?: DC Microgrids from Concept to Demonstration to Deployment ]]> 4 2 37 44 2109 <![CDATA[ Energy Storage, Renewable Power Generation, and the Grid: NREL Capabilities Help to Develop and Test Energy-Storage Technologies ]]> 3 3 30 40 4387 <![CDATA[ Ultrafast Solid-State Circuit Breakers: Protecting Converter-Based ac and dc Microgrids Against Short Circuit Faults [Technology Leaders] ]]> 4 2 72 70 5402 <![CDATA[ Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Technology: Its impact on the electrification of the transportation industry. ]]> 1 2 59 63 1989 <![CDATA[ Railway Electrical Smart Grids: An introduction to next-generation railway power systems and their operation. ]]> 2 3 49 55 1321 <![CDATA[ Stochastic Impacts of Metaheuristics from the Toaster to the Turbine [Technology Leaders] ]]> 4 4 52 40 1638 <![CDATA[ VOLTTRON: An Open-Source Software Platform of the Future ]]> 4 4 15 22 1960 <![CDATA[ Shipboard Solid-State Protection: Overview and Applications ]]> 1 1 32 39 3595 <![CDATA[ Modeling and Analysis of GMD Effects on Power Systems: An overview of the impact on large-scale power systems. ]]> 3 4 13 21 2884 <![CDATA[ Connectivity and Convergence: Transportation for the 21st Century ]]> 2 2 6 13 3789 <![CDATA[ Locally Manufactured Small Wind Turbines: Empowering communities for sustainable rural electrification. ]]> 3 1 68 78 3704 <![CDATA[ DC Local Power Distribution: Technology, Deployment, and Pathways to Success ]]> 4 2 29 36 1420 <![CDATA[ An Overview of Rural Electrification in China: History, technology, and emerging trends. ]]> 3 1 36 47 3151 <![CDATA[ Energy Storage: Balancing the 21st Century Power Grid ]]> 3 3 52 57 1876 <![CDATA[ Electric Ships Past, Present, and Future [Technology Leaders] ]]> 3 2 4 11 2767 <![CDATA[ Enabling Smart Grid Cosimulation Studies: Rapid Design and Development of the Technologies and Controls ]]> 4 1 25 32 2730 <![CDATA[ Parallel between More Electric Aircraft and Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Power Conversion Technologies ]]> 2 2 50 60 2978 <![CDATA[ Propulsion Powertrain Simulator: Future turboelectric distributed-propulsion aircraft. ]]> 2 4 23 34 4419 <![CDATA[ The Tianjin 2014 Symposium on Microgrids: A meeting of the minds for international microgrid experts. ]]> 3 1 79 85 2587 <![CDATA[ Naval Power Systems: Integrated power systems for the continuity of the electrical power supply. ]]> 3 2 12 21 2923 <![CDATA[ Low-Frequency Coupling: Phenomena in Electic Transportation Systems ]]> 4 3 15 22 2317 <![CDATA[ Managing the Italian High-Speed Railway Network: Provisions for Reducing Interference Between Electric Traction Systems ]]> 4 3 42 47 3446 <![CDATA[ Novel and Ruggedized Power Electronics for Off-Highway Vehicles ]]> 2 2 31 41 2502 <![CDATA[ Rural Off-Grid Electricity Service in Sub-Saharan Africa [Technology Leaders] ]]> 3 1 7 15 2306 <![CDATA[ Rural Electrification Goes Local: Recent innovations in renewable generation, energy efficiency, and grid modernization. ]]> 3 1 16 24 2790 <![CDATA[ New Horizons in DC Shipboard Power Systems: New fault protection strategies are essential to the adoption of dc power systems. ]]> 1 2 38 45 1895 <![CDATA[ The Role of Voltage Controls in Modern All-Electric Ships: Toward the all electric ship. ]]> 3 2 49 65 5276 <![CDATA[ Cutting Campus Energy Costs with Hierarchical Control: The Economical and Reliable Operation of a Microgrid ]]> 1 1 40 56 6609

Detik cemas

Hari ni 4hb sept, tengah dalam flight menuju ke Trondheim, Norway untuk reseach abroad selama 4 bulan. Pada masa ni, ada lagi 3 bulan lebih untuk masa sebenar tempoh 3 tahun phd akan tamat. Pagi tadi terima email extension phd tidak diterima. Sebabnya kerana perlu beri jadual plan yang lebih meyakinkan. Komen katanya research abroad sepatutnya awai pengajian, dan bukan di hujung pengajian. Itu memang aku terima. Aku tiada advice yang spesific untuk perkara ni. Cuma di awal pengajian dulu ada dinyatakan cuma salah diri sendiri. Untuk projek phd, kau adalah ketua research..dan kau lah yang sepatutnya tentukan hala tuju projek ni.

Study abroad

Di Denmark, pelajar-pelajar phd dikehendaki untuk membuat attachment ke universiti atau kompeni minimum 1 bulan hingga ke maksimum 6 bulan. Ini merupakan salah satu keperluan untuk bergraduasi. Paling menarik, semua perbelanjaan akan ditanggung oleh universiti dan juga boleh memohon dana tambahan daripada kompeni seperti otto monsted.